[Week 01] Dream13567, and notes

Basically, it is inspired by the five notes: 13567 (C3 E3 G3 A3 B3)

Then comes melody #1: 13567- 13567- 13567- 78753

Then comes melody #2: 7—– 717531 5

Then comes melody #3: 71 5–715 715715 3–21

Then comes melody #4: 71 5–135 7–357 1-7135 6-….

#1 forms something like a piano phase.

#2,#3,#4 each echoed once.

Then some decoration.





——————— update Mar.23, 2016 ——————–

I love nature, I always wanted to create a clean feeling with my music.

Another music I made by now is:

For my music of nature, I would like to use traditional note like the piano and wind concept, to create the feeling of harmony and mist. Maybe some more glassy and high-pitched note for my little fairies, and some deep drum as the representation of the earth.

I really love the freeverb effect from Preset:

var freeverb = new Tone.Freeverb().toMaster();
freeverb.dampening.value = 2000;
freeverb.roomSize.value = 0.9;
freeverb.wet.value = 1;


// note part
var synth1 = new Tone.SimpleSynth( {
oscillator : {
type : "sine"
envelope : {
attack : 0.02,
decay : 0.8,
sustain : 0.7,
release : 2

“wind part”:

var synth2 = new Tone.SimpleSynth( {
	portamento: 0,
  oscillator : {
  	type : "square4"
  envelope : {
  	attack : 2,
    decay : 1,
    sustain : 0.2,
    release : 2

I’m trying to add PolySynth effects to the windpart so I can play multiple notes at the same time.

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