[Week05] Dreams

I wanted to achieve a function so that sometime it appear sad and some other time it appear magical, depending on the user’s choice.

The two pieces I’m using for different mood are here:

Bright: http://jsfiddle.net/sunwangshu/rbnxe9s6/2/

Deep good dream: http://jsfiddle.net/sunwangshu/rbnxe9s6/3/

Chilly sad: http://jsfiddle.net/sunwangshu/raj7hthu/2/

Sad: http://jsfiddle.net/sunwangshu/raj7hthu/3/


Every 4 rounds, the random notes will toggle between a lot and a few.

Change distribution of randomness: http://jsfiddle.net/sunwangshu/cb7smjka/1/


Add some duo track



Aug.11 some cute play of 8n notes


This little cutie almost never stops



This jumps up and down non-stop



Duo and cycle between calm and intense


[Week 04] Random duo


It’s basically a static part playing together with random choice of notes.

Every six notes there’s a chance of rest.


var freeverb = new Tone.Freeverb().toMaster();
freeverb.dampening.value = 2000;
freeverb.roomSize.value = 0.9;
freeverb.wet.value = 1;

// note part
var synth1 = new Tone.SimpleSynth( {
	oscillator : {
  	type : "sine"
  envelope : {
  	attack : 0.02,
    decay : 0.8,
    sustain : 0.7,
    release : 2

var synth2 = new Tone.SimpleSynth( {
	oscillator : {
  	type : "sine"
  envelope : {
  	attack : 0.02,
    decay : 0.8,
    sustain : 0.7,
    release : 2

var dream_random = ["C4","E4","G4","A4","B4","C5","E5","G5","A5","B5","C6"];
var dream13567 = ["C4","E4","G4","A4","B4",0,"C4","E4","G4","A4","B4",0,"C4","E4","G4","A4","B4",0,"B4","C5","B4","G4","E4",0,];

for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
	var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * dream_random.length);
  var tone = dream_random[index];
  if (i % 6 == 5) {
  	var chance = Math.random();
    if (chance > 0.5) {
    	tone = 0;
  synth1.triggerAttackRelease(tone, "4n", i * 0.4);
  var index2 = i % dream13567.length;
  var tone2 = dream13567[index2];
  synth2.triggerAttackRelease(tone2, "4n", i * 0.4);

[Week05] CNC project – a bookshelf

I really wanted to make a bookshelf for myself.

I know I’m still new in design, so I started by browsing a lot of design from pinterest, and this is the design I love best.


For this project I made a lot of test, mainly for the two different kinds of joints I want to create.

Joints 01

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This first joint is what I wanted to use for the two inner boards of the bookshelf. Although I learned to create some tolerance for their depths, say 0.74″ hole for 0.73″ thick board, but I forgot to add some tolerance for those teeth so they are still all 1″ in width and fits super snug.

IMG_5530 IMG_5529

Another thing I learn is, if I’m creating some tiny piece it could damage the corner when finish the cut.IMG_5454

Joints 2


This is the second kind of joint I want to make, to connect the side board to the inner boards.


This time I used 0.01″ tolerance (0.73″ depth and 0.74″ hole) and it feels kind of loose. I think next time I’ll just try 0.005″.

Paper version for measuring size

Since I want to make it a real bookstand, I don’t want it to be either too big and too small; also I want to know how much wood I need to use.

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Kind of playful. I love it.

Final Result

Thinking about what I learned I created 0.005″ tolerance for every joint. And I also added some rounded corner to make it better.



It got scratched when I was cutting it down…I measured the depth to be around 0.70″ to 0.71″ but maybe I have set the cutout depth to be just 0.71″ so it’s not completely cut. Also maybe I have to screw the board more flat.

Thanks for Quest’s help I eventually sand the piece good.



IMG_5561 IMG_5562


Finish! I’m so glad it fits perfectly everywhere.